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Rules And Regulations


1. (a) The Three Year Degree Course of the M.P.C. College (Autonomous, Baripada leading to the award of Bachelor Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce by the North Orissa University shall be spread over three consecutive academic sessions with 06 (six) semesters and as such it shall be an integrated three year Degree Course.

(b) It is to be called an 'Integrated' Course as the final result, whether passed or failed, of a student taking admission into the course shall only be decided and declared on the completion of the courses after the third year on the basis of his/her marks secured in the Internal Assessment Tests. (for Honours subjects only) and all Semester Examinations held in three years of the Degree Course.


2. (a) Any student who has passed the Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the C.H.S.E., Orissa or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto, may be admitted to the first year of the three year Degree Course in this college. Admission to Honours course preferred by a student shall be made as per the rules prescribed in the college prospectus for the related year.

  • A student shall be admitted to the first semester of the first year Degree Course in this college. Admission to Honours course preferred by a student shall be made as per the rules prescribed in the college prospectus for the related year.
  • A student shall be admitted to the first semester of the first year Degree Course in Arts/Commerce stream, if he/she has passed the Higher Secondary Examination in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto.

(b) No student shall ordinarily be admitted into the first year of the course four weeks after reopening of the college after summer vacatrion or six weeks after the publication of re sults of the Annual Higher Secondary Examination of C.H.S.E.,Orissa whichever is later without late fee and two weeks there after on payment of late fee.

(c) Admission into the Second and Third year of the course shall be made within four weeks from the date of the reopening of the college after summer vacation.

(d) A student seeking admission into the college shall be admitted only to an Honours Course in Arts/Science/Commerce stream. Every student at the time of admission to any of these streams, shall have to opt. for :


  1. Five compulsory subjects carrying a total of 400 marks.
  2. Two subjects under Elective A & B carrying 300 marks each.
  3. One Honours subject carrying 800 marks


  • A student shall chose one of the following subjects as Honours subject. (Eng., Eco., Oriya, Pol.Sc., Hist., Phil., Math., Sans., Hindi, Geography, Sociology, Statistics) carrying 800 marks.
  • Besides Honours subject, a candidate shall choose two elective subjects (A & B) from among the following subjects (Eng., Oriya, Pol. Sc., Eco., Hist., Sans., Maths., Stat., Geog., Hindi, Socio.) carrying 300 marks each.

One subject cannot be chosen as both Hons./Elective. No student shall be allowed to offer Statistics as Elective A/B if he/she has not passed either in Statistics or Mathematics at Higher Secondary or any other equivalent examination.

No student shall be allowed to take Math. as Honours or elective subject if he/she has not passed in Mathematics in the Higher Secondary or any equivalent examination.


  1. Five compulsory subjects carrying a total of 400 marks
  2. Six subjects under Elective A & B carrying 300 marks. Group I – PBM, ITAB (for e-com. stream), CA, I & WWW. AUD. GroupII – BM, SA, FE, FMC (for e-com stream)
  3. One Honours subject carrying 800 marks.

N.B. Commerce students shall choose one of the following streams under Commerce Honours.

a) Accounting, b) Finance, c) Management,

d) E-Commerce

Besides Honours subject, each student shall choose three subjects from Group-I and another three subjects from Group-II as elective groups.


  1. Five compulsory subjects carrying a total of 300 marks.
  2. One minor elective subject carrying 100 marks.
  3. Two elective (A & B) subjects carrying 300 marks each.
  4. One Honours subject carrying 800 marks.

N.B. Science students shall choose one of the following subjects as Hons. subject carrying 800 marks. Physics, Chemistry, Math., Botany, Zoology, Geology & Computer Sc. Besides Hons. subject, each student shall choose two other subjects from any one of the following groups as Elective A & Elective B, carrying 300 marks each.

  • Group A- Phy., Chem., Math., Geol. (for Phy., Chem., Math. & Com. Sc. Hons.)
  • Group B- Botany, Zoology & Chemistry (for Botany & Zoology Hons.)

A student shall not be allowed to offer Mathematics or a subject with practical components Hons./Elective subject if he/she has not passed in that subject in the qualifying examination except Computer Science and Geology.

No student shall be allowed to take Computer Science Hons. if he/she has not passed with Mathematics in the qualifying Exam.

A Science student with Botany & Zoology subjects (Elective/Hons.) shall take Math. and Statistics as Minor Elective and with Phy./Chem./Math./Com. Sc./Geol. subjects (Elective/Hons.) shall offer Biology as minor elective carrying 100 marks. Minor elective has no practical component.

A student of Arts/Science/Commerce stream may be allowed to offer any one of the following language subjects as M.I.L. (Oriya/Hindi/Alternative English/Olchiki) (e)There shall be no admission of students to the College on the ground of inter-college transfer from non-autonomous colleges or Directorate of Distance Education. However, this regulation shall not apply to the sons/daughters/spouses of Govt. Servants on Transfer. (GSOT)/Serving Defence personal on transfer (SDPOT)/Retiring Govt. Servant (RGS). (f)There shall be no admission of students into the third year class from non-autonomous College even if a student seeks admission on transfer on the ground of GSOT. However sons/daughters/spouses of GSOT from Autonomous Colleges shall be allowed admission into the third year provided he/she has cleared all examinations (I.A. and Semester) of first year and second year of the course in his/her parent college. g) The sons/daughters/spouses of Govt. Servants on transfer can be admitted on transfer basis to the first year or second year class.

(h) Students of Non-Autonomous colleges admitted on Govt. servant on transfer basis into the second year Degree course as per Regulatiojn 2(g) shall have to appear at the I.A.T. and First and Second Semester Examinations along with the regular students of the first year degree students of the current academic session in addition to the I.A.T. and Thirrd and Fourth Semester examinations of Second year.

(i) Students of Autonomous Colleges can be admitted to this college in the first year or second year of the course, provided that similar pattern of course was being pursued in their parent Autonomous College. The similarity of the course shall be examined by the concerned H.O.D.s of M.P.C. (A) College, Baripada. Admission to different classes on transfer basis, as mentioned in Regulation 2(g) (and (h) will not be allowed after 30th September of the related academic year. For the purpose of admission on transfer basis, the student concerned in addition has to produce the following documents.

  • A xerox copy of the pattern of the course of his/her parent college.
  • A certificate of attendance in the subjects offered in his/her parent college.
  • A continuing certificate in case of first year or a certificate of completion of first year course in case of second year or a certificate of completion of first year and second year in case of third year.
  • A list of marks secured by him/her at the Term End Semester Examination and I.A.T.(s).


3. A student of the first year of Three Year Degree course may be allowed to change the subject (s) at the discretion of Principal within three weeks from the last date of admission into the first year with fine, on payment of the prescribed fees. No change of subject(s) shall be allowed thereafter. PERIOD OF EACH SUBJECT :

4. The number of periods of lectures and/or practicals per week a Semester in different subjects shall be as follows :

(a) Compulsory :



Subject Marks Subject Marks
English P I 50 M.I.L. P I 50
Env. Studies P I 50 Env. Studies P II 50
Honours I 80 Honours II 80
IAT 20 IAT 20
Elective A I 100 Elective B I 100
Total 300 Total 300
English P II 50 M.I.L. P II 50
Ind. Soc. Cult 50 Commun. Eng. 50
Honours III 80 Honours IV 80
IAT 20 IAT 20
Elective-A II 100 Elective B II 100
Total 300 Total 300
Honours V 80 Honours VII 80
IATtd> 20 IAT 20
Honours VI 80 Honours VIII 80
IAT 20 Seminar 20
Elective-A III 100 Elective B III 100
Total 300 Total 300

Compulsory – 400 + Elective A-300 + Elective B – 300 + Nons. – 800 = Total – 1800

  • * In Hons. subject semester Examination – 80 and Internal Assessment test – 20 marks
  • * In Elective Subjects with Practical components :Theory – 80 marks and Practical – 20 marks.
  • ** For Math. Hons. Paper – VIII is Practical – 80 & Seminar 20
  • *** For Geography and Statistics (Elective A/B) Papers I, III and V are Theory papers (80 marks each) and Papers II, IV and VI are Practical papers (20 marks each).
  • *** For Geography and Statistics (Honours) Papers I, III, V, VII, IX, X, XII and XIII are Theory and Papers II, IV, VI, VIII, XI and XIV are practical papers.


Subject Marks Subject Marks
M.I.L. 50 English 50
Env. Studies P I 50 Env. Studies P II 50
Elective A PI(Th.) 60 Elective B PI(Th.) 80
PII(Pr.)/td> 20 PII(Pr.) 20
Honours PI (Th.) 60 Honours PIII (Th.) 60
PII (Pr.) 20 PIV (Pr.) 20
IAT 20 IAT 20
Total 300 Total 300
Ind. Soc. Cult 50 Commun. Eng. 50
Elective A P III (Th.) 80 Elective B P III (Th.) 80
P IV(Pr.) 20 P IV(Pr.) 20
Honours P V (Th.) 60 Honours P VII (Th.) 60
P VI (Pr.) 20 P VIII (Pr.) 20
IAT 20 IAT 20
Elective-A II 100 Elective B II 100
Minor Elective P I 50 Minor Elective P II 50
Total 300 Total 300
Honours IX (Th.) 50 Honours XII (Th.) 50
IAT 20 IAT 20
X (Th.) 50 XIII (Th.) 50
Honours VI 80 Honours VIII 80
IAT 20 Seminar 20
XI (Pr.) 60 XIV (Pr.) 60
Elective-A P V (Th.) 80 Elective B PV (Th.) 80
P VI (Pr.) 20 P VI (Pr.) 20
Total 300 Total 300

Compulsory – 400 + Elective A-300 + Elective B-300 + Hons. – 800 = Total – 1800 ** For Math. (H)-Paper I to VII-Theory (Semester 80 + IAT 20 marks) Paper VII – Practical – 80 & Seminar – 20



Subject Marks Subject Marks
English P I 50 English P II 50
B. Economics P I 50 B. Economics P II 50
Elective A I 100 Elective B I 100
Honours PI 80 Honours PII 80
IAT 20 IAT 20
Total 300 Total 300
Commun. Eng. 50 I.S.C. P II 50
Env. Studies P II 50 Env. Studies P II 50
Elective A II 100 Elective B II 100
Honours P III 80 Honours P IV 80
IAT 20 IAT 20
Total 300 Total 300
Elective A III 100 Elective B III 100
Honours V 80 Honours VII 80
IAT 20 IAT 20
Honours VI 80 Honours VIII 80
IAT 20 Seminar 20
Total 300 Total 300
For e_Comm. Group
Hons. V- 100 marks (only practical)
Paper VII & VII & VII – Theory -
60 marks, IAT/Seminar – 20 marks,
Practical – 20 marks.
Elective A – for ITAB, I & WWW,
FMC subjects : Theory – 80 marks and
Practical – 20 marks.
Elective B – for FMC subject : Theory
- 80 marks and Practical – 20 marks.

9. A student admitted into any class of the Three Year Degree Course passing from the C.H.S.E. or equivalent examination or migrating from other University/Autonomous College shall have to register himself/herself as a student of North Orissa University before he/she appears at the First Semester Examination Baripada on payment of requisite fees.

10. (a) In each academic year, there shall be two types of examinations for each student irrespective of the stream to which he/she belongs i.e. (1) Internal Assessment Tests and (2) Semester Examination which will be conducted by the M.P.C. College (Autonomous), Takhatpur, Baripada.

(b) Only such students satisfying the requirement of attendance as laid down in the regulation and fulfilling the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Regulation – 7 (a) (i), (ii) & (iii) shall be allowed to fill in the forms to take the Semester Examination to be conducted at the end of each Semester course.

(c) There shall be Internal Assessment Tests for 20% of marks in each subject/paper in Honours course only and the student shall be examined for the rest 80% of marks in the Semester Examination.

(d) During each Semester of the Three Year Degree Course, there shall be two Internal Assessment Tests in Honours subject only and two Semester Examinations in a academic year for each eligible student. The examinations shall be conducted by the M.P.C. College (Autonomous), Baripada as mentioned in regulation 10(a) as per the following :

Examination Semester Tentative Dates of
September 1st Week
January 4th Week
October 2nd Week
February 4th Week
Semester I, III, V
December 1st Week
March 3rd/April 1st Week

(e) Though there shall be two Internal Assessment Tests in the Honours subject for each student during each Semester Examination, the better of the two marks/scores at the Internal Assessment tests shall be taken into account for computing the marks secured by each student in each subject in the relevant Semester Examination for determining his/her ultimate Score in the subject.

(f) Remaining absent in both the Internal Assessment Tests in a particular Semester on the part of a student for what-so-ever the reason may be, shall be treated as ‘Zero’ and reflected on the mark-sheet accordingly.

(g) No student shall be awarded the Degree, if he/she has remained absent in any paper(s)/subject(s) of any Semester Examination conducted during the period of Three year Degree Course.

(h) For the integrated Three Year Degree Course in Arts/Science/Commerce, though there shall be 06 (Six) Semester Examinations for each student. 02 (two) being conducted during each academic session of the course, the final result of a student shall be decided and declared at the end of the third year by taking together all the marks secured by him her in all the internal Examinations held from the First Year to Third Year of the course and also the internal marks of the Honours subjects.

(i) No student shall be awarded the Degree before completion of the Three Year Degree Course. However, each student may be issued the Provisional mark list after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Semester Examinations.


11.(a) A student will be declared to have passed with Honours in three year Integrated Degree Course if he/she secures :

  • In Arts, a minimum of 30% of marks in each compulsory subjects (Eng., Comm. Eng., M.I.L., Env. Studies & I.S.C.) separately and 30% of marks in theory paper and 40% marks in practical papers separately by taking all the papers of an elective subject of all semester examinations together in case of subjects having practical component.
    In case of Commerce stream, a minimum of 30% of marks in each compulsory subject (English, Eco. Env. Studies & I.S.C.) & 30% of marks in all papers/subjects under each Elective Course having no practical components taken together in all Semester Examinations.
    For Science students, a minimum of 30% of marks in each compulsory (Eng., Comm. Eng., M.I.L., Env. Studies & I.S.C.) subjects separately and 30% of tatal marks in each elective subject without practical components and a minimum of 30% of marks in theory papers and 40% marks in practical papers separately by taking all the papers of elective subjects of all semester examinations together in case of subjects having practical component and a minimum of 30% marks in all papers under minor elective subject taking together all papers of different semester examinations.
  • A mimimum of 30% of total marks in all the theory papers in each non-honours subjects having practical component of all Semester Examinations taken together and a minimum of 40% of total marks in practical papers of all the Semester examination taken together in non honours subjects.
  • A minimum of 45% of total marks in the Honours subject/group having no practical component by taking all papers of the six-Semester Examinations together.
  • A minimum of 45% of marks in the aggregate of all theory papers and all practical papers separately of all the six Semester Examinations in the subject having a practical components.

Note : Marks in all Semester Examinations include marks in Internal Assessment Tests in Honours subject only.

11. (b) If a candidate appearing in the Honours course fails to retain Honours by securing less than 45% of total marks in the Honours subject/group he/she may be allowed to pass without Honours. If he/she secures at least 30 percent marks in all the theory papers taken together and 40% marks in all practical papers taken together of all honours subject having a practical component and passes in the non-Honours subjects as per Regulation 11(a) (i & ii) and secures at least 36% in the aggregate in all the subjects including the Honours subject/group of all the Six Semester Examinations taken together.

Note : Marks in all Semester Examinations include marks in Internal Assessment Tests in Honours subject only.

(c) A student migrating from another Autonomous College in the second/third year course after appearing at difference Semester Examination in his/her previous college, will carry over his/her marks of previous college and his/her position shall be calculated at per with the marks secured by the students in this college in every subject and paper.


12. Distinction shall be awarded to a student securing 50% or more marks in aggregate in the subjects other than Honours subject/group at the Semester Examinations of all the three years of the course taken together, provided that the student has passed the Degree Examination in his/her first appearance [i.e. without appearing year back examination in the Compulsory, Elective/Minor Elective Subject(s)].


13. (a) Ordinarily the result of different Semester (upto 5th Semester) Examinations shall be published within 45 days from the date of completion of each Semester Exam. without mentioning the division or class. Only a statement of marks secured by the student shall be issued for his/her reference. At the end of sixth Semester Examinations, a consolidated mark sheet of all the six Semester Examinations, showing the year of admission shall be issued to the candidates. Provisional pass Certificate shall also be issued to the successful can didates by the college.

(b) The Controller of Examinations shall publish a list of successful candidates based on the marks of all six Semester Examinations after the same is passed by the Board of Conducting Examiners and approved by the Vice-Chancellor, North Orissa University within the stipulated period as mentioned in clause 13 (a).

(c) There shall be separate lists for candidates of separate Honours subjects in each of Arts, Science & Commerce stream.

(d) The list of candidates who pass in First Class Honours course of a particular subject shall be arranged in order of merit and the list of all other successful candidates of the Honours course of that subject shall be arranged according to their Roll. Numbers. In case, a successful candidate gets distinction, ‘D’ shall be mentioned against his/her Roll Number in the list.

(e) Each successful candidate at the end of Sixth Semester Examination, shall receive a degree in the prescribed performa duly signed by the Vice-Chancellor, North Orissa University on payment of prescribed fees.


14. A successful student who secures a minimum of 45% but less than 60% of marks in agreegate in the Honours subject without practical component and 45% of marks in the aggregate of theory and practical papers separately but less than 60% of marks in aggregate in honours subject with practical component, taking together all the marks of Internal Assessment Test and Semester Examinations of all the Three Years of the course, shall be declared to have passed with Second Class Honours and who secures a minimum of 60% or more with the above condition shall be declared to have passed with First Class Honours.


15. (a) A student shall be allowed to appear at the Back Paper Examinations of First and/or Second Semester Examinations i.e. in the Second Year class along with the regular students of first year, in the event of his/her non-appearance in all/any paper(s) of the concerned Semester Examinatins.

(b) A student shall be allowed to appear at the Back paper Examination of Third and/or Fourth Semester in the immediate next Third and/or Fourth Semester Examinations in the Third Year class alongwith the regular students of Second Year class, in the event of his/her non-appearance in all/any paper(s) of the concerned Semester Examination.

(c) A student shall be allowed to appear at the Back paper Examination from First Semester to Fourth Semester if he/she has secured less than 30% of marks in the Compulsory/Elective/Minor Elective paper(s) or less than 45% of marks in the Honours paper (s). Such Back paper Examinations shall be conducted in the next immediate Semester Examination alongwith regular students.

(d) An unsuccessful student after appearing at all the Six Semester Examinations and availing the privilege of the Back paper Examinations from 1st to 4th Semester as mentioned in Regulation 15(a), (b) & (c), shall be allowed to appear at any or all paper(s) of First to Sixth Semester Examinations in the immediate next academic year, provided that he/she has to fill in his/her application forms and deposit fees separately for each Semester Examination he/she desires to appear.

(e) A student enrolled/appeared at the Back Paper Examination of any Semester shall not be included in the merit list.


16. (a) The Semester Examinations and Internal Assessment Test (in Honours only) in Arts, Science & Commerce shall be conducted through written papers and there shall be practical examinations in the Semester Examination in every subject having practical components.

The duration of theory and practical examinations shall be as follows :

Internal Assessment Test :

Theory : 20 marks - 01 hour

Semester Examinations :

Theory : 50 or less than 50 marks - 02 hours

Above 50 marks - 03 hours

Practicals : 20 Marks (both Hons. & Elective)- 03 hours

60 Marks or above - 06 hours

(b) The question paper in the Semester Examinations shall contain alternative questions from each unit of the courses of studies prescribed by the Academic Council of the college.


17. Cases of malpractice/misconduct & indiscipline at the examination will be placed before the Examination Committee for imposing punishment as per the rules prescribed by the Executive Committee.


18. The Hard Case Rules shall be followed as framed & prescribed by the Academic Council.