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11/03/2025 : All UG and PG Classes will remain suspanded during Annual day functions.

10/03/2025 : Result of Students Council competitions 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Result of Arts Society competitions 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Prize Giving Ceremony of Annual Day Function 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Results - Commerce Society Competitions

10/03/2025 : Results - Science Society Competitions

More Notice



28/06/2024 : Tender call notice (equipment) MRI PRROJECT

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of Students Identity Card, 2023-24

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of College Callendar 2023-24

07/02/2024 : Expression Of Interest (EOI)


More Tender


The College Library contains more than 70,000 text and reference books.

  1. Students can borrow books for a maximum period of 14 days. A fine of 20 paise per book will be charged for each day of delay up to a maximum period of 16 days.Thereafter for each day for each book a fine of 50 paise will be levied till the book is returned in order to ensure wide circulation of particular books.
  2. Library books are not transferable. No books will be issued on behalf of other students.
  3. No student is allowed to keep books with him/her during the Summer vacation.
  • If a book is lost, damaged, mutilated, or defaced by a borrower, he/she has to pay ten times the catalogue price of the book or replace it with a later edition of the book.
  • A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued to him only if nobody wants to take the book.
  • Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued; otherwise in the case of mutilation discovered later the presumption will be against the borrower.
  • Student borrowers are informed that in case they fail to drop their requisition slips with Library cards on the scheduled date they will be allowed to drop their requisition slips and Library cards on the next issue date. No slips and Library Cards will be accepted on the issue date.
  • Students should return the General Library books borrowed by them before filling in their forms for the Term-End Examinations. This should be treated as most important. This rule is applicable to all categories of examinees and examinations.
  • Perfect silence should be maintained at the time of library transaction.
  • No students should ordinarily enter the Library without the prior permission of the Sr. Librarian.
  • The time for transaction of books for the library is from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M..
  • Students should produce their Identity cards and Library cards at the time of Library transaction.
  • If the Library card is lost, a duplicate card can be reissued after depositing Rs. 2.00 (Rupees two only) at the office collection counter.
  • Students are required to produce money receipts at the time of issue of new Library Card.
  • Any other articles such as personal books and belongings should not be brought into the library permises.
  • Spitting, smoking, shouting and sleeping inside the library are strictly forbidden. The following table shows the maximum number of books that may be issued to various categories of borrowers, depending or the availability of boos
  • Categories of Borrowers No. of books Time Permitted
    a. Members of the teaching staff (each) 10 30 days
    b.Ministerial staff,Demonstrators,Librarian, P.E.T. (Each) 3 15 days
    c.Hons. Students (Each) 4 14 days
    d.P.G. Students (Each) 6 14 days

    Books before issue should be presented to the librarian for necessary entries in the register. Books for reference, text books current issue of periodicals, courses of studies and rare books shall not be issued out of the library without special permission of the Principal.

    Members of the staff may borrow books from the library signing on a Long register and students are to borrow books on Library card issued to them.

    Borrowers are supposed to have read the library rules and to abide by them.

    Members of the Teaching Staff can get the same book reissued twice in an academic year. A fine of Rs. 2 per day shall be levied, if the period of retention of the book exceeds thirty days.


    1. The student borrowers are subject to all the rules mentioned above.
    2. No student should enter the library rooms without the permission of the librarian.
    3. No one should enter the library room with personal books and belongings.
    4. (a) Text books will not be issued to students.
      (b)Reference books will be issued on call slip for consultation in the library.
    5. Ordinarily no book will be reissued.
    6. Journals and reference books should not be taken out of the library.
    7. Ordinarily one book or journal is issued to every student for the reading room on a call slip. The librarian may issue more than one book if he thinks necessary. All such books and journals must be returned to the Librarian atleast 15 minutes before the college closes for the day. If a student fails to return the books or journals, a fine of 50 paise per day will be imposed on him/her.
    8. A student who wants to take or return books must present his/her library card before the librarian.
    9. Ordinarily no student will be allowed to keep the library books with him during the Puja vacation, Christmas holidays and Summer vacation.
    10. Slip containing the catalogue numbers according to subjects, section, sub-section of the books will be issued daily at the library counter. Books will be issued from 2nd to 4th period.


    1. The text-book lending library has been started in the college financed from the U.G.C. grant to lend text books to the poor and deserving students.
    2. The borrower can take the book by depositing one tenth of the price.
    3. At the beginning of the academic session a notice will be given inviting applications from the intending borrowers.
    4. The borrowers have to return the books before filling up forms for the College/University Examination. Other students have to return the books soon after the annual examination of the college is over. If a student wants the book for another session then she/he has to reissue the book after depositing one tenth price of the book.