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11/03/2025 : All UG and PG Classes will remain suspanded during Annual day functions.

10/03/2025 : Result of Students Council competitions 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Result of Arts Society competitions 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Prize Giving Ceremony of Annual Day Function 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Results - Commerce Society Competitions

10/03/2025 : Results - Science Society Competitions

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28/06/2024 : Tender call notice (equipment) MRI PRROJECT

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of Students Identity Card, 2023-24

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of College Callendar 2023-24

07/02/2024 : Expression Of Interest (EOI)


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Rules And Regulations


Application for admission to a hostel be addressed to the Principal in the prescribed fonn. Allotment ofhostel seats will be made by the Principal. No student can claim, as a matter of right, to continue in a particular hostel where he was a resident during the previolls year.The MPC Autonomous College accommodates the students in its hostels. It has separate hostels for boys and girls of both undergraduate and post graduate courses. The hostels have inherited the idyllic milieu being located within the campus.

These hostels provide healthy study atmosphere, Common rooms, newspapers, Television, DTH service, spacious and hygienic Dining halls, Telephone, Medical facility, 24hrs Ambulance service, Week end visit to district headquarter, courier service, Photocopy facility etc. The intake capacity of the hostels are as below:

M.P.C. Hostel No.-2 (Boys) :60 M.P.C. Hostel No.-3 & PMB (Boys): 80 M.P.C. Hostel No.-4 & PMA (Boys): 30 Women’s Hostel: 72 Tribal Students’ Hostel No.-6 (Boys): 30 The Principal is the Warden of the hostels. Superintendents and Asst. Superintendents work in close co-ordination with the warden and oversee the daily affairs of the borders. One of the Superintendents is appointed by the Principal as the Member Secretary of the Committee. The Committee is known as the Students’ Residence Committee.

The hostels run their own messing to feed their borders. The mess managed by a committee comprising of the Superintendents, students and Mess Manager for the better management, maintenance of hygiene, deciding the Menu of the week etc. The mess supply Lunch, Dinner as well as refreshments to the students. The institute has appointed chefs for the preparation of delicious and hygienic food.

Application for admission to a hostel be addressed to the Principal in the prescribed form. Allotment of hostel seats will be made by the Principal. No student can claim, as a matter of right, to continue in a particular hostel where he was a resident during the previous year.

Withdrawal from the hostel requires prior sanction of the Principal. Applications for withdrawal should be made by guardians. No Boarder shall be allowed to leave the hostel without the previous permission of the Superintendent who will ascertain that all dues to the hostel have been paid before leaving the hostel. Whenever boarders leave the hostel for any vacation or holidays or for any private purpose, they have to apply to the Superintendent for leave and obtain his permission. The hostels remain closed during the Puja holidays and the Summer Vacation. Boarders wishing to remain in the Hostel during the Puja Holidays must obtain special permission from the Superintendent. No student is allowed to stay in the hostel during the summer vacation under any circumstances.

Boarders must abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel which are laid down from time to time by the authorities. Violation of any of the rules shall be viewed seriously and shall make the boarder concerned liable to strong disciplinary action including expulsion from the hostel as well as from the College. Spitting on the walls, doors, floors or furniture of hostel is strictly prohibited.

Disfiguring the walls, doors, pillars, furniture etc. in anyway and putting on them placards, posters etc are strictly prohibited.

Boarders are warned against tampering with or mishandling the electrical and sanitary fittings of the hostel. The use of heaters, irons and other electrical gadgets is prohibited.

Boarders are not allowed to enter other rooms in the absence of the occupants of that room. The use of unprescribed drugs or intoxicants is prohibited in the hostel.

Boarders should not meet higher authorities in groups to put forward their grievances. They may, however, send their representatives with the permission of the Superintendent of the hostel.

Ragging in the hostel is strictly forbidden. Boarders indulging in it will make themselves liable to removal from the hostel. In extreme cases, they may even be expelled from the college.

Taking nieals in the hostel mess is compulsory for all boarders. In exceptional cases the authorities may allow a boarder to take meals outside but in such cases the boarders concerned shall have to pay to the hostel Rs.1.00 (One rupee) only per meal not consumed during the month.

No Boarder is allowed to entertain a visitor without the written permission of the authorities. Under no circumstances any boarder ‘is allowed to entertain a guest to stay in a room for the night. Election to the Boarders’ Association will be held only after admission to the hostel is completed. The procedure for election will be determined by the authorities.

Notice issued by the office bearers of the B0arders Association with the counter signature of the Superintendent or the Assistant Superintendent will be invalid. Office bearers issuing illegal n0tices will be liable to disciplinary action.

The Office bearers of the Boarders’ Association shall not hold a meeting or incur any expenditure for the hostel without obtaining the prior permission of the authorities.

There are fixed hours for study & meals determined by the Superintendent of respective hostels. No boarder shall be absent from the hostel during the study period and after the night meals.

Hostel gates will be closed at 10.30 p.m. & boarders are advised to be inside the hostel before the gates are closed. In no case relaxation in his regard will be encouraged. In the case of Women’s Hostel gates are closed at 5.30 p.m. The bearers of the hostels should not be treated as personal servants of the boarders. The boarders are expected to work by themselves. The bearers have got fixed hours of work and they are controlled by the Superintendent. The Principal reserves the right to alter, amend, abrogate any of the rules mentioned above.

NOTE: Women boarders should be accompanied by father/ mother along with the proposed local guardian at the timc of admission into the hostcl. Parents are advi.sed to nominate rcsponsihle persons known to them as local guardians. Local guardians nominated by parents and a person authorized by either of them can only meet a woman boarder in day time i.e. between 6.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.

Mess Arrangement in Hostel :

Mess affairs in the Hostel other than the P.M.A. Hostel are managed with the help of a paid manager whose main functions are to collect mess requirement such as fuel, rice, grocery etc. at a wholesale rate and to maintain the accounts properly. The continuity of his service rests on the satisfaction of the Hostel authorities. There shall be a Mess Committee consisting of a Mess Secretary, a Joint Mess Secretary and two members from each year to be elected from amongst the boarders at the time of general elections at the beginning of the session. The Committee is to assist the manager and the Hostel authorities with valuable suggestions for the improvement of the diet. The accounts relating to the mess and the unit rates are to be checked every month by the Committee under the general supervision of the Asst. Superintendent. All decisions arrived at by the Committee are subject to the approval of the Superintendent.

All outstanding mess dues against boarders shall be cleared up by the 15th of the next month. If a boarder fails to clear up his/ her mess dues by the scheduled date of the month his/her meals will be stopped from the morning of the 16th. The College fee will be accepted only on the production o fa clearance certificate from the Hostel authorities. Misappropriation of mess money either by the manager or by any boarder will be considered a several offence. The mess collection shall be deposited in a separate Pass Book in anyone of the Banks to be operated by the Superintendent or the Hostel.

Boarders should take their meals in a disciplined way in the Hostel dining hall set apart for the purpose. None should ask for normal meals being served in his/her room.

Whenever a boarder falls/sick diet is to be prepared in the mess and, if necessary, may be brought from outside according to the instruction of the Superintendent/Asst.Superintendent as per the advice of the Medical Officer of the Hostel. Consumed Exceeds the cost of meal of the Hostel.

No guest meal or stopping of meal shall be entertained after 4p.m. ofthe day. A defaulting boarder for non-payment of mess dues whose meals in the Hostel have been stopped cannot take guest meals in the name of other boarders. Guest meals are allowed only with the approval of the Superintendent provided notice is given in advance to the manager by making necessary entries in the register. One boarder is entitled to six guest meals in a month. A guest can only be entertained with the permission of the Superintendent as a recognised guest.

In no case Hostel utensils for dining purpose can be taken to the rooms of the boarders. In an emergency, meals can be served in the rooms in the personal utensils like plate mug, glass etc. of the boarder.