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11/03/2025 : All UG and PG Classes will remain suspanded during Annual day functions.

10/03/2025 : Result of Students Council competitions 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Result of Arts Society competitions 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Prize Giving Ceremony of Annual Day Function 2024-25

10/03/2025 : Results - Commerce Society Competitions

10/03/2025 : Results - Science Society Competitions

More Notice



28/06/2024 : Tender call notice (equipment) MRI PRROJECT

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of Students Identity Card, 2023-24

16/03/2024 : Quotation Call Notice for Printing of College Callendar 2023-24

07/02/2024 : Expression Of Interest (EOI)


More Tender

Rules And Regulations


The academic session ofthe College which is from June to May has two terms: (i) June to December and (ii) January to May Admission to the College begins after the publications of the results and continues till the last day prescribed for such admission by the authorities.

A student seeking admission is required to apply in the prescribed form by the specified date. Before she/he is admitted to the College, she/he and his/her guardian have to sign an undertaking in proper form that the student will abide by the rules of the College .

Admission is allowed on the ground of merit on the basis of marks in the qualifying examination and conduct of a student. Admission to the College cannot be claimed as a matter or right. Every student at the time of admission shall furnish his/her present address to the College Office. Any subsequent ehange of address should be intimated to the office in writing. DISCIPLINE:

Uniform: A student of the college is required to adhere strictly to a dress code as given below on all days in the college including the days of examinations. BOYS GIRLS Full pant – Black colour Shirt-Steel Grey colour Dhoti – White colour Kameez – Steel Grey colour Salwar & Dupatta – White colour Saree – Steel Grey or White colour Every student is required to attend his/her classes regularly and punctually. Continuous absence without permission is a serious breach of College discipline.

Students are required to take their seats before the teacher enters the classroom. They should not ordinarily leave their seats when the class is going on.

A student coming late and seeking permission to enter the classroom, may be allowed to do so at the discretion of the teacher concerned .

In no circumstances shall teaching be interrupted by any student in the classroom. The student should sit in the class room in a disciplined manner and be attentive to the teacher. Students not connected with a class in progress should not assemble in front of the class room or make a noise. They are strictly prohibited from loitering on the verandahs or in the corridors. Students of the college cannot start or maintain any Club, Society or Association without permission from the College authority. N0 College player can play tor any team other than the college team without the written permission of the Principal.

No permission is required for college students other than boarders to attend political meetings, but they should so conduct themselves as not to bring themselves into undersirable prominence and they must not take any active part in the proceedings. It is to be borne in mind, however, that the college exists for the purpose of education, politics in College should be dealt within a scholarly way in the form of lectures and thoughtful addresses.The Principal may, however, prohibit all students from attending political meetings. (Article No. 114 of the Orissa Education Code.) Students are required to go to the specified counters to get their work done. They should not enter the office for any purpose without permission.

Students are required to maintain discipline at the counters. Students are not allowed to enter the staff common-room. In case a student has some work with a member of the staffs, she/he is required to inform through the attendant of the Common room. Students should bring their Identity Cards regularly and produce them whenever required. Students should put their grievances in writing to the Principal. Students desiring to meet the Principal on important matters may do so between 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. on any working day.

Every student shOllld see the College Notice Board regularly to get necessary information regarding all office orders, decisions and instructions given from time to time. Ignorance of a student due to negligence on this point will not be accepted as an excuse. It is the duty ofthe students to safeguard the property of their own alma mater and keep the buildings and the campus neat and clean. Students should not spit on the walls, floors, staircases pillars or doors and windows orthe College building. They should not stick any bills or notice to the walls, nor should they scribe on the walls, floors and surface ofthe College building. They must not displace or damage the furniture ofthe College any damage to the College property shall be viewed seriously,and the student concerned shall be penalised. Freshers falling any type of ragging are required to bring the fact to knowledge of the Principal immediately for taking action.

ATTENDANCE : A student is required to attend at least 75% of the General Lectures and 75% of the Practical Classes to appear at the College Examinations.

Condonation of attendance between 60% and 75% may be granted in exceptional cases. Further condonation of the attendance to the extent of5% may be granted by the Syndicate, when the candidate represents the University or State on deputation for specific purposes (to be recorded in writing.) Application for condonation of shortage of attendance on medical grounds will not be considered for the period, if the name of the student has been struck off from the College Rolls for any reason.